
Method Steel engraved with hand colour
Artist Archer, Joshua
Published Drawn and Engraved by J. Archer, Pentonville, London. c. 1845
Dimensions 163 x 218 mm
Notes Archer, Joshua. Draughtsman and engraver of Pentonville, London. (fl. 1841 - 1861) was prolific engraver of maps. He had produced a series of maps for William Pinnock, a part series of Diocese maps for the British Magazine , some maps for Henry Fisher, and engraved a set for Thomas Dugdale's Curiosities of Great Britain. The Dugdale maps were engraved by Archer to replace those by Cole and Roper found in the early copies of Dugdale's historical and topographical gazetter-style work.

Condition: vertical centre fold as issued.
Framing unmounted
Price £20.00
Stock ID 22440
