View taken from the coast one league and a half east north east of the Isle de Graie. View taken from El Nakb six leagues south of Mount Hor.

Method Lithograph
Artist Hostein after Léon-Emmanuel-Simon-Joseph, marquis de Laborde
Published Godefroy Engelmann 1830
Dimensions Image 270 x 434 mm
Notes Titles in French and English.

From Voyage de l'Arabie Pétrée par Léon by Laborde and Linant.

Léon-Emmanuel-Simon-Joseph, marquis de Laborde (1807 - 1869) was an archivist, curator, draughtsman and engraver. In 1824 Laborde travelled with his father throughout the Middle East, from Damascus to Cairo. There Léon met the engineer Louis Linant de Bellefonds (1799-1883). The two Frenchmen decided to set up an expedition to the newly-discovered site of Petra with a view to making drawings of the monuments. The team of Linant and de Laborde spent more time at the site than any previous Western visitors, documenting the remains through drawings. In 1830 he published a detailed day-to-day report of his 1828 travel, Voyage de l'Arabie Pétrée, richly illustrated with lithographs of his own drawings as well as a number of those by Linant. It includes various maps and plans, and an introductory essay on different aspects of the region, such as travel, pilgrimage, and trade.

Condition: Laid to board
Framing unmounted
Price £65.00 On sale: £52.00
Stock ID 26031
