Girard's - Bank in Philadelphia

Method Steel engraving
Published Hidbhsn. Eigenthum d.Verleger. c.1850
Dimensions Image 106 x 155 mm, Plate129 x 178, Sheet 179 x 247 mm.
Notes From Meyer's Universum

From 1833 to 1864, the Bibliographisches Institut issued a journal, Meyer's Universum, containing text and steel engravings of all parts of the world. It was founded by Joseph Meyer, and when he died in 1856 at sixty-one, his son Herrmann took over. Herrmann had been sent to the U.S. from 1849 to his father's death, issuing an American edition of Meyer's Universum.
Framing unmounted
Price £15.00
Stock ID 24190
