Carte Du Gouvernment Ecclesiastique D'Angleterre: L'orde De Cette Assemblee, Accompagne De Trophees A La Gloire des Savans et des Illustres Corps Qui Font Honneur a la Grande Bretagne

Method Etching
Artist N. Gueudeville
Published Amsterdam, 1705-1739
Dimensions Image 351 x 452 mm, Plate 355 x 460 mm, Sheet 444 x 500 mm
Notes From Atlas Historique by Z. Châtelain, 3 images with explanations at the bottom, with arms, portraits and building views (College d'Oxford College Roial ,College de Cambridge societé royale above) left and right. The main image in the print is of the interior of Whitehall. The image on the left is about Oxford University and the image on the left is about Cambridge University. A small portion of the text describes the universities.
Framing unmounted
Price £65.00
Stock ID 20716
