Carlo Gulielmo Ferdinando Duca di Bronswich, Commandante Generale dell'Armate Unite

Method Copper engraving with hand colouring
Published in Napoli presso Talani e Gervasi al Gigante No.37 [c.1750]
Dimensions Image 70 x 50 mm, Plate 200 x 135 mm, Sheet 275 x 200mm
Notes Portrait of Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1721-1792), Field Marshal of the Prussian Army, Victor of the battles of Brunswick, Minden, Vellinghausen, Wilhelmsthal and Warburg, killed at the battle of Valmy. He is here shown during the period when he was commander of the allied armies, from around 1758-60, a period which won him the praise of the Great Frederick who remarked in 1759: "Je n'ai fait que ce qua je dois, mon cher Ferdinand"
Framing unmounted
Price £50.00
Stock ID 4756
